Criminal Defense

Felony DUI Attorneys in Cincinnati Negotiating the Best Outcome in Your Felony DUI Case

Cincinnati Criminal Defense Lawyers

Felony DUI Attorneys in Cincinnati Negotiating the Best Outcome in Your Felony DUI Case

A DUI charge is a criminal offense. A DUI can be elevated to a felony charge when certain circumstances are involved, including repeat DUI offenses, a prior felony DUI, or a DUI that caused a wrongful death or injury.

As for impaired driving, you can commit a first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth DUI offense in Ohio. The more repeat offenses you have, the more penalties you face and luxuries you get taken away, including your freedom and driving privileges.

If you are convicted of a fourth DUI or OVI within six years, you will see this decision impact every area of your life—and your family’s- as there are long-term consequences. Charges can result in significant fines, court and attorney fees, imprisonment, a criminal record, driver’s license suspension, and probation.

Given that your freedom and rights are at stake, working with an experienced DUI lawyer who can handle the challenges of a tough criminal case is essential. Contact Ernst & Associates, LLC, to give you a possible advantage in your DUI case.

What is a Felony DUI in Ohio?

A third drunk driving offense in Ohio is a first-degree misdemeanor. For your criminal record, this is the start of serious consequences.

Drunk or drugged driving becomes a felony when the driver has four or more prior OVI convictions within six years. You must have at least three convictions to be charged with a felony. In another scenario, a felony charge is also possible if you caused bodily harm to anyone involved in the accident or property damage.

You can also be charged with other serious felony offenses if you drive around (impaired or not) with controlled substances, firearms, and weapons.

The difference between a first and fourth offense is the penalties involved. You could be convicted of a fourth-degree felony, face mandatory jail time and a possible prison sentence, fines of up to $10,000, and a lifetime license suspension.

With a felon DUI conviction, get the legal representation that understands the criminal justice system in Ohio and how to negotiate a DUI charge. Contact Ernst & Associates, LLC, to discuss the details of your case.

Will I Have to Attend an Alcohol Treatment Program?

Subsequent DUI charges typically result in a mandatory alcohol treatment or rehabilitation program. At this point, with repeat offenses, the court sees a serious pattern of drug and alcohol abuse causing poor judgment and creating safety issues for the public.

Ohio offers a drug and alcohol treatment program known as The DUI Program, a 72-hour intervention course designed to assist attendees with making better decisions, the dangers of drunk driving, and how to avoid future charges.

The program includes group therapy, alcohol and drug education classes, and individual assessments. This is typically offered to first-time offenders, though it might be an option for repeat offenders. Additionally, the court may suggest a private substance abuse treatment or rehabilitation program as part of your sentence.

To better understand your DUI conviction and possible consequences, including an alcohol and drug treatment program, contact our criminal defense lawyers to see if proactive enrollment will help your case and overall sentencing.

What is a Super DUI in Ohio?

Not all charges for DUIs are created equal. If anything explains this message well, it’s the “super DUI.”

Driving any vehicle under the influence of drugs and alcohol with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level of .08 percent or higher is illegal. If pulled over and questioned by law enforcement, this can result in a DUI charge.

However, if you are pulled over and a chemical test shows that your BAC is higher than .17 percent, this is considered excessive and referred to as a “super DUI.” With a higher BAC, you create more danger to other people on the road, so your possible penalties will be much higher.

As a start, you will have to wait two weeks before your driving privileges kick in again, and you might be required to install an ignition interlock device and face first-degree misdemeanor charges.

Suppose you were caught with a risky and high BAC while driving. In this case, it’s essential to consider how our criminal defense attorneys can improve the outcome of your case, especially if there’s enough evidence against you. Contact our team to discuss your charges and see how we can help.

Do I Need a Criminal Defense Lawyer for My Felony DUI?

With a mounting conviction, you might be concerned with how a felony DUI charge will impact your life—from your finances to your driving privileges to your freedom. The best place to start with any legal matter is to find the right attorney for your specific legal needs.

A criminal defense lawyer is experienced in criminal cases, which includes DUI convictions. Attorneys might refer to their specific practice areas to connect people with the right legal solution. This might mean a DUI attorney will reference criminal defense and DUI experience, as a DUI conviction is a criminal matter.

Hiring a criminal defense lawyer is indispensable in your felony DUI case. You will face a lot of unknowns, and the prosecution will be harsh, given it’s a repeat offense. With the DUI lawyers from Ernst & Associates, LLC by your side, we will focus on uncovering beneficial information to help your case from omissions, lack of evidence, witness testimonies, and mistakes.

Our goal is to get your charges reduced or get your case dropped. When you have a tough DUI case and lingering felony charges need resolution, Contact criminal defense lawyers with Ernst & Associates, LLC at 513-548-5544 to get started on your case today.

Navigating The Ohio Court System

One of the most important attributes your attorney should have is familiarity with these courts. Your lawyer should know each judge and each prosecutor and know what to expect from each. Our attorneys have been practicing in these courts for over 30 years and have in depth knowledge of the intricacies of each.