Tax Evasion

Tax Evasion Lawyer In Cincinnati

Cincinnati Criminal Defense Lawyers

Tax Evasion Lawyer In Cincinnati

Tax avoidance is legal, but tax evasion is considered a crime. Understanding what tax evasion is is essential as it can help you make informed decisions about your taxes. If you have been charged with tax evasion, you need to respond strongly. You should have a tax evasion defense attorney involved in the process early so they have the maximum impact on your case. 

At Ernst & Associates, we have a proven track record of defending against criminal charges, including tax evasion charges. You can learn more about this in the following, and then when you are ready to consult with our Cincinnati tax defense lawyer, you can schedule a free consultation with us. 

Judges Hammer

Understanding Tax Evasion

Visual and business entities are required to pay various types of taxes. Tax evasion occurs when someone deliberately tries to avoid paying the actual tax liability. It is different from tax avoidance, which is more about finding legal ways to reduce tax bills. This could be done through legal structuring of transactions or claiming applicable deductions or exemptions for taxes. 

Tax evasion, on the other hand, is an attempt to tax liability through tax fraud, deceit, or concealment. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) does not look upon tax evasion kindly, and those convicted of this crime could face serious legal consequences, including hefty fines and jail time. 

The IRS has various methods to identify and track tax evasion. The federal government possesses a formidable investigative force for white-collar crimes. Some of the common triggers include reporting inaccurate income, misclassifying expenses, and failure to file. The IRS may also employ sophisticated methods to find and investigate tax evasion. 

Legal Consequences of Tax Evasion

Tax evasion carries significant legal consequences, ranging from fines to imprisonment. However, the specific penalties depend on the severity of the offense. Under the US federal tax law, tax evasion is prohibited by the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) and can be subject to both civil and criminal penalties. 

Those found guilty of tax evasion can expect not only to pay back the taxes they owe but also penalty fees and interest. For the most severe cases of tax evasion, a felony charge could be made, and those convicted could be sentenced to imprisonment. The maximum possible jail sentence is 5 years. If an individual has a history of fraudulent activity or attempted concealment, they have a higher risk of facing jail time. The more significant the amount of taxes evaded, the more likely the case will result in criminal prosecution and potential prison time. 

Tax evasion convictions can also result in significant collateral consequences, which could impact one’s personal and professional life. For example, a criminal record could be established, severely damaging one’s reputation and future employment prospects. Additionally, the IRS could monitor the individuals closely for any future violations of the IRC. 

Importance Of Hiring A Cincinnati IRS Defense Attorney

As the potential penalties for a tax evasion conviction are so severe, taxpayers need to comply fully with their tax obligations. However, if you are accused of tax evasion, you must seek legal representation as soon as possible. With a skilled attorney on your side, you will know what to do to protect your rights, start gathering evidence, and develop a strategy to build a strong defense to the charges. An experienced tax attorney can also negotiate with the tax authorities on your behalf, potentially reducing the tax liability or penalties. 

Receiving a tax evasion notice from the IRS can be unnerving, and in those stressful circumstances, you could make mistakes that you would regret later. For example, you may provide incomplete or inaccurate information in an attempt to explain the situation quickly, which may weaken your case. However, with the guidance of a skilled attorney, you are less likely to make such mistakes, especially if you hire the attorney early in the process. 

Key Legal Strategies for Defending Tax Evasion Charges 

Tax cases are often complex and require a strategic legal approach tailored to each case’s unique circumstances. Fortunately, a range of tactics can be employed to protect against tax evasion charges. The most severe penalties for tax evasion are often associated with willful intent. Experienced criminal defense attorneys usually seek to establish the absence of deliberate intent to evade taxes. This helps demonstrate that the alleged inaction or action to avoid tax was not at the level of criminal intent. 

Your attorney would also conduct a comprehensive review of your financial records to find anything that can strengthen your case. This can uncover any inaccuracies or misunderstandings that led to the allegations. For example, if an honest mistake in filing led to the assertion, this can be sorted more quickly compared to something more serious, such as forging tax documents. 

Attorneys can also use the statute of limitations in favor of their clients. The IRS has limits on how far back they go. If the alleged activity occurred outside this timeframe, your attorney can argue for dismissal based on the expiration of the statute.

In cases where you genuinely owe taxes to the government, your attorney can negotiate with the IRS to secure a fair settlement. For example, the attorney can advocate for reduced penalties or installment agreements to help reduce the burden on the client. The attorney can also show compliance evidence to demonstrate that the accused is trying their best to comply with tax laws. 

Ohio Tax Evasion Legal Services

At Ernst & Associates, we take a personalized approach to overcome the legal challenges of tax evasion cases. This enables us to tailor our legal strategy based on the specificity of each case. When you are ready to get white-collar legal help for tax evasion charges, you can contact us to schedule a consultation with our attorney. We will start with an initial consultation to understand your case, and after careful assessment of the case, we will share your best legal options to fight the charges. Our team can answer all your questions, including everything from insurance fraud and estate tax to real estate transactions and IRS liens. You can have peace of mind knowing that our legal team won’t’ rest until we get the best possible outcome for your case. 

Navigating The Ohio Court System

One of the most important attributes your attorney should have is familiarity with these courts. Your lawyer should know each judge and each prosecutor and know what to expect from each. Our attorneys have been practicing in these courts for over 30 years and have in depth knowledge of the intricacies of each.